Unlock the Power of Creative Thinking: 10 Essential Tips for Incorporating Innovation into Your Daily Routine and Projects

Published on
March 15, 2024
Jonathan Petrous
Owner & Creative
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Unlock the Power of Creative Thinking: 10 Essential Tips for Incorporating Innovation into Your Daily Routine and Projects

Creative thinking is an essential skill for anyone trying to develop inventive solutions, novel ideas, and new perspectives in their area. The capacity to think creatively can help you succeed whether you're a business executive, an artist, or a student. Many people, however, fail to incorporate creative thinking into their regular routines or activities. Here are ten essential tips to remember while trying to integrate creative thinking into your everyday routine and projects:

Set aside dedicated time for creative thinking

One of the most important things you can do to foster creative thinking is to set aside dedicated time for it. Whether it's a few minutes each day or an hour each week, make sure you're giving yourself the time and space to let your mind wander and come up with new ideas.

Challenge assumptions

One of the more severe obstacles to creative thinking is the temptation to accept things as they are without question. To overcome this, strive to question assumptions and the current norm. "Why does it have to be like this?" or "Is there a better way to achieve this?"

Accept failure

Fear of failure is another impediment to creative thinking. To overcome this, try to see failure as an opportunity to learn and progress. Remember that the most successful people in any field failed many times before succeeding.

Get outside your comfort zone

Creative thinking often requires you to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. This can be frightening, but it is also necessary for growth and development. On a regular basis, strive to push yourself to try new things and venture outside of your comfort zone.

Take inspiration from other fields

Taking inspiration from other industries is another excellent technique for developing creative thinking. For instance, if you work in business, read books on art or science to discover how concepts from those professions may be applied to your work.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal can be an excellent way to capture thoughts and inspiration as they develop. It can also assist you in keeping track of your progress and reflecting on your thoughts and ideas over time.

Collaborate with others

Collaboration can be an excellent method to produce fresh ideas and views. Find people with diverse backgrounds and expertise to collaborate with since they can provide valuable opinions and new perspectives.

Take a break

Regular pauses can help you stay energized and focused, both of which are necessary for creative thinking. Take a break from your work and do something completely different, such as going for a stroll or listening to music.

Continue to learn

Finally, remember that creative thinking is a skill that can be honed over time. Continue to study new things and broaden your knowledge and skills to stay sharp and inventive.

Practice, practice, and more practice

Remember that creative thinking is a skill that must be honed through practice and repetition. Make it a habit to engage in creative thinking regularly through brainstorming sessions or simply take a few minutes each day to generate fresh ideas.

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What types of services do you offer?

At Jpetrous Creative Services (JpCS), we offer a wide variety of Creative Services or Solutions. Most fall under:  

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Creative Retainer
  3. Web Design
  4. Social Media Management
  5. Digital Marketing

We do our best to offer services that all businesses need and most struggle with on their own.

What is your availability?

Our availability can fluctuate depending on the time of year, however our remote Office Hours are normally Monday through Friday, 10 AM EST to 6 PM EST.

These office hours include taking calls, attending meetings, responding to emails other forms of communication. When we are working, we are more flexible to make sure that all of our client requests are completed in a timely fashion.

What is your hourly rate or project fee?

Our base hourly rate is normally $100 per hour and can change depending on the service. However most of our project fees are by item or bundles to offer significant discounts on select services.

How do you bill for your services?

Billing for services varies based on the service selected.  À la cart services are billed upon project or task completion whereas retainer services are billed at the end of each month and may require a deposit to begin services.

What is your process for delivering work to clients?

We prefer to deliver all services through a secured Google Cloud Drive, allowing clients to "pick up" or download the completed work and use it as they please.

Most files are shared either as PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, MP4s or GIFs. It ultimately depends on the type of service being provided and the desired output.

How do you handle revisions?

We try to keep the revisions to a minimum, but they will happen. Input or thoughts and visions change. So, we do our best to remain flexible to your desired updates and make as many revisions as we can without it having an effect on our other clients.

What happens if I am not satisfied?

Similar to revisions, we want to make sure that you are satisfied and will continue to work on the assigned task or project until you are satisfied.

Just be aware that the more time spent on an item may result in delayed output as we also have other clients we provide creative services too.

Do you sign a contract or agreement?

Most services we offer may require a deposit and also require you to sign a contract for service. Some of these services include our Creative Retainer, Web Design, and Social Media Management services.

How can I communicate with you during the project?

We tried to make communication as easy as possible by offering our Clients a Portal to share comments or concerns on projects, schedule meetings with us and more. We also accept email communication to properly document thoughts or changes.

Most kick-off calls will happen virtually over Zoom of by phone and any supporting communication will be held through email or Portal.

What is your policy on confidentiality and data privacy?

We respect and value your privacy and we do not share or sell any of your information. You can read our complete Privacy Policy here or locate it in the footer of this page.

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