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Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing: Strategies to Thrive in the Online World

Jonathan Petrous
March 15, 2024
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Why Hiring a Professional Copywriter is Essential for Your Business Success

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Are your Network Marketing graphics custom made for you? 3 reasons to adopt a freelancer.

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10 Reasons why you should hire a Creative Retainer

November 7, 2021

Do you always need to have someone on your payroll to complete required tasks or projects? In this article, we would like to discuss the 10 reasons why you should consider a Creative Retainer service through Jpetrous Creative Services (JpCS). 

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Marketing vs Advertising vs Branding

November 27, 2021

Three words that at first glance don’t seem like much, but can be summed up with three simple questions. Each may have been influenced you at least once this week by helping you decide your morning coffee. Like many topics, Marketing, Advertising, and Branding are often confused with one another. Let’s find out just what they do and how they help each other and you. 

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Are You the Hero or the Guide for Your Customer?

March 18, 2022

Have you ever considered just what role you play in your customers story? Are your intentions to sweep in like a knight in shining armor or be the Yoda to their Luke and guide them on the path to becoming the Jedi Master you know they can one day become. No wrong answers here, but you may be swayed to lean one way over the other with just the right amount of convincing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers? Our FAQs has you covered! Check it out to get the information you need.

Still have questions?

Contact us today to have all of your questions answered.

Contact Us
Do you offer any discounts?

Yes, we offer exclusive discounts to members of the Anchor Bay Chamber of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce and other unlisted groups.

We also offer a referral program to help our clients save even more.

If you would like to learn more about our special discounts and offers, contact us today to learn more!

What types of services do you offer?

At Jpetrous Creative Services (JpCS), we offer a wide variety of Creative Services or Solutions. Most fall under:  

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Creative Retainer
  3. Web Design
  4. Social Media Management
  5. Digital Marketing

We do our best to offer services that all businesses need and most struggle with on their own.

What is your availability?

Our availability can fluctuate depending on the time of year, however our remote Office Hours are normally Monday through Friday, 10 AM EST to 6 PM EST.

These office hours include taking calls, attending meetings, responding to emails other forms of communication. When we are working, we are more flexible to make sure that all of our client requests are completed in a timely fashion.

What is your hourly rate or project fee?

Our base hourly rate is normally $100 per hour and can change depending on the service. However most of our project fees are by item or bundles to offer significant discounts on select services.

How do you bill for your services?

Billing for services varies based on the service selected.  À la cart services are billed upon project or task completion whereas retainer services are billed at the end of each month and may require a deposit to begin services.

What is your process for delivering work to clients?

We prefer to deliver all services through a secured Google Cloud Drive, allowing clients to "pick up" or download the completed work and use it as they please.

Most files are shared either as PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, MP4s or GIFs. It ultimately depends on the type of service being provided and the desired output.

How do you handle revisions?

We try to keep the revisions to a minimum, but they will happen. Input or thoughts and visions change. So, we do our best to remain flexible to your desired updates and make as many revisions as we can without it having an effect on our other clients.

What happens if I am not satisfied?

Similar to revisions, we want to make sure that you are satisfied and will continue to work on the assigned task or project until you are satisfied.

Just be aware that the more time spent on an item may result in delayed output as we also have other clients we provide creative services too.

Do you sign a contract or agreement?

Most services we offer may require a deposit and also require you to sign a contract for service. Some of these services include our Creative Retainer, Web Design, and Social Media Management services.

How can I communicate with you during the project?

We tried to make communication as easy as possible by offering our Clients a Portal to share comments or concerns on projects, schedule meetings with us and more. We also accept email communication to properly document thoughts or changes.

Most kick-off calls will happen virtually over Zoom of by phone and any supporting communication will be held through email or Portal.

What is your policy on confidentiality and data privacy?

We respect and value your privacy and we do not share or sell any of your information. You can read our complete Privacy Policy here or locate it in the footer of this page.

Let's Discuss Your Next Project, Creatively, Together.

What are you waiting for? Schedule your free consultation today!